這些注意事項主要反映了西方人對中國的認識,其中不乏一些偏見和誤解,其中的一些提法確實不完全符合中國的現實,不過還是有一定的借鑒意義。 具體而言,在聯合國有關部門看來,到中國出差的;一般性文化注意事項有7點: (1)Conversation during a meal should focus heavily on giving compliments to the chef (在用餐過程中,談話焦點應該集中于對廚師的大力恭維)。 (2)It is customary to arrive slightly early for social engagements (社會交往一般要比約定時間稍微早到一些)。 (3)When dining in a restaurant, discussing illness, death or tragic events is not appropriate as it is seen as bad luck(在餐館用餐,避免談到疾病、死亡或者不幸事件,因為這被認是不吉利的)。 (4)The Chinese do not typically use exaggerated gestures or facial expressions while speaking, and may find them distracting when done by others(中國人在講話過程中不做誇張的動作或者面部表情,而且不欣賞別人做出類似動作)。 (5)Gift giving is important and somewhat ritualized. Avoid gifts of great value, as they may embarrass a Chinese person and may be declined(送禮很重要,而且要儀式化。禮物的價值不要太高,否則會使中國人尷尬甚至拒絕禮物)。 (6)People often decline a gift several times before accepting it. Be persistent until they accept(中國人收禮之前先要拒 絕若幹次,所以送禮的人一定要堅持,直到中國人接受止)。 (7)It is customary to bring a gift when invited to someone's home such as fruit, candy or a souvenir from your home country(接受邀請去中國人家裏做客時一般要帶禮物,可以是水果、糖或者從本國帶來的紀念品)。 ;商務文化注意事項有8點: (1)Introductions are usually quite formal. The Chinese traditionally nod or bow slightly when greeting. However, handshaking is also common and appropriate(互相介紹相當正式,中國人一般是用點頭或者輕微的鞠躬作打招呼的方式。不過握手還是最常見和恰當的)。 (2)If greeted by the somewhat uncommon custom of applause, the appropriate response is to applaud back (如果受到意外的鼓掌歡迎,最好是以鼓掌來回敬)。 (3)Appointments should be made in advance(約會必須提前確定)。 (4)Punctuality is very important in China for both business and social engagements(在商務和社會交往中必須准時)。 (5)Bring numerous business cards, preferably printed in English on one side and Chinese on the other(准備好足夠數量的名片,最好一面是英文,一面是中文)。 (6)When referring to the nation on formal documents or speeches, it is appropriate to use the full title: The People's Republic of China(在正式文件和談話中提到中國時,應該使用全稱;中華人民共和國)。 (7)Business is not generally discussed over a meal, though you may be treated to a banquet during your stay. If possible, you should always return the favor(你在訪問中會被邀請參加宴會,但在用餐中一般不談商務。如果可能,最好回請)。 (8)Business dress is conservative. Men should wear a suit and tie, while women should wear either a dress or a skirt and blouse(商務著裝偏保守。男士應穿西裝、打領帶,女士應穿套裝,裙子或褲子也可)。
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